We can all want things for our self and our life which we think will make us happier and more fulfilled. Be it a romantic relationship, good friendships, a meaningful career, a life with purpose, greater health, a good home and financial abundance etc.
All these can give us a sense of belonging, as well as a life with true meaning and a feeling of financial security. You may have many of those things already, but could be missing one or two of them and thus don’t have a sense of true fulfilment in your life. This lack of something can show up via your feelings through fears, restlessness, worries, anxiety, immobility, and not knowing what to do next.
The missing gaps can be seen as a sign that you need to do something different to what you have been doing, in order to step onto the path in getting what you truly want.
When I work with people that are facing a stuck situation or a lack in life I often ask “ what are you doing that is stopping you from getting what you want” and few other bigger questions to make them think deeply. So very often the responses they give shows up as the “ hard evidence” on the “how” are they getting in their own way to stop themselves from getting what they want.
Once you nail what you are doing that is sabotaging your own success, you can then work out what you need to do differently to step onto a path towards greater success.
It sounds so simple and it is. But we are habitual beings and we often go round and round in circles, repeating the same patterns of behaviour, hoping to get different results and wonder why our life is not how we want it to be. We also don’t think about what it is we need to do differently to make a difference for ourselves, or if we do it may bring up illusionary fears and insecurities so we don’t do it.
If you have got areas of your life that are not going so well, or you are at point of feeling really fed up with how things are and want it to change or you may even be at a crisis point. I know I can help you make a shift in the right direction to get you out of the rut.
You may only need one session with me to bring the light into your life to shift you to take the first step in the new direction. Which then opens a door of new possibilities to help you create the life you want.
One step is all that it takes to start a new journey
The work I do is considered as “Life Alchemy”, I use many tools and processes that mix together life’s magic and science to help you transform the base metal of your life into Gold!
Nothing gives me greater joy than to help others live a life they love to live and that could be you. Here is a comment about the work I do that might be what you need to help you help yourself.
“I can thoroughly recommend Lamanda as a great coach and truly caring and inspiring guide. She combines her mastery of NLP with so many other great and insightful life learnings to enable you to grow to your potential. In addition to helping you find the right answers for yourself she imbeds you with positive emotional energy and a great sense of hope for the present and future. Lamanda is a light bringer and game changer!’
The help you might need may just be a thought or two away … and I can ask you the right questions for you to discover the answers that can change everything! And then help you to get out of your own way to get the life you truly want.
If you would like some help or are just curious to know more contact me via email: Lamanda@sunshinecoaching.co.nz to arrange a quick chat via phone or skype to see if what I have on offer can provide you with what you may need to get what you want (there is no obligation to work with me after the call).
There are plenty of difficult obstacles in life as it is, don’t allow yourself to be one of them.
With Love
email: Lamanda@sunshinecoaching.co.nz
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